World is a Big Brainwashing Machine: So question your beliefs
And escape societal conditioning
2 min readApr 20, 2021
In this blog, I will present a few questions, so that instead of forcing my personal answers, you can find your own!
- What is the purpose of your life?
- Is that purpose really yours?
- Or is that purpose due to societal conditioning? Think deeply!
- Do you have a choice to ignore such conditioning?
- Why do you even want to ignore it?
- How do you respond to people conditioning your mind?
You too?
- Aren’t you doing the same, i.e. just forcing your beliefs on others and brainwashing their mind?
- Why are you doing that?
- Do you want to avoid that? If no, is it okay when others do the same with you?
- But is brainwashing wrong? Why?
- What is right or wrong?
- Who decides right and wrong?
- Is there something beyond all these?
Beyond Conditioning?
- Is your existence (the feeling of I-am-ness) conditioned?
- What is that feeling of I-am-ness in yourself?
- Isn’t that I-am-ness just pure awareness?
- Do you think someone else knows your I-am-ness except you?
- Have you ever used self-enquiry to understand that I-am-ness?
- Do you think that I-am-ness go beyond societal conditioning, and hence right and wrong?
- Ask that I-am-ness, what is the purpose of your life?
- Does the answer become more intuitive and clear?
- Is that answer beyond conditioning?
- Don’t you think no one could brainwash you if you are firmly established in your true identity?
- What is Love, if not being content in I-am-ness?
- What if everyone in this society understands that I-am-ness? Don’t you think society will be filled with Love?
- Do you want this? If yes, what stops you from self-enquiry?
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