Try not to try: the joy of effortlessness
An enquiry into the nature of actions and flow state
Note: Don't see the finger (pointer), see the moon. Because to show you the moon, I can only point. If you didn’t even get this note, it means you are looking at the finger. Also, I have used some words which doesn’t exist in the English dictionary. Try to get the feel, because I want you to flow without the limitation of language.
Why do you want to try to accomplish anything? Isn’t it for the satisfactory peace after that effort is completed?
To what extent can you try? Isn’t it till the point you are totally absorbed in the work?
Isn’t trying is a feeling you have when you start the process, which automatically vanishes during the task itself?
What happens to the trier in that absorption? Isn’t trying a disturbance in the absorption state?
Next time when you are doing any work, notice, the work is only being done when you don’t know you are working! The moment you notice you are doing the work, the work which is being done stops!
For example, right now, are you reading? Or the reading is being done? Try to read and the reading will stop! You will just end up looking at the words and won’t get the meaning.
So yeah, trier is the distraction when the action is already effortless!
Do you even think, or it is just the thoughts without any thinker?
Remember those exam times, desperately trying to remember that equation, but ahh, it all goes in vain. Then you come out of the hall, and woah! The equation comes to you! Why?
Does the thinker control the thoughts? Or the thoughts control the thinker?
Can you think a thinkerless thought? Isn’t it is the attachment of the witness with the thoughts creating a false notion of thinker?
A thinker never thinks, a trier never tries.
Thinker and trier is the same! Your ego. The greatest illusion, albeit a persist one!
Why this illusion?
Well, have you ever noticed the trier closely?
When you try, think who is the one trying?
Try to ask the trier, who is it? And you will realize, for every try, there was never a trier.
When you try to think, that if you can think to try, then thinking and trying stops! And awareness shines forth!
All the tries are trierless. All the thoughts are thinkerless. Every effort is effortless.
And when you abide in the effortlessness, the work is being done without a thinker or a trier.
This is the beauty of the Universe. Trying to achieve something, you entangle yourself in the delusion; and not trying to force, the work flows.
Life doesn’t ask you to put efforts. It is a false notion you have made. Life just asks you to be in peace, and witness the efforts made by the Universe.
But now the false notion of trier is being created, so in every task that trier exists.
What can you do to realize trierlessness from being a trier?
Well, you can let the trier try not to try.
Trying not to try is not totally futile. It is analogous to any other try. As we previously agreed, once the action flows, the trying stops. So yeah, you can try to not try till the point trying vanishes. But how to try not to try?
WELL, TRY TO RELAX! Simply relax. More, and more, and more.
And there will come a time when relaxation will relax itself. In other words, trying to relax, relaxes the trier, leading to no trier at all! TRIERLESS-TRYLESS STATE!
That’s THE ANNIHILATION! A place full of peaceful existence. Total freedom. Now because there is no trier, without even trying anything, the work will be done!
You will be able to witness the work, but you won’t be the doer of the work.
This is called YOGA — THE UNION.
You have realized your union with The Supreme.
The Supreme is even greater than the God (Ishvara). With this realization, God becomes your slave and works all the time for you, so that you can enjoy life.
It’s like you were in a car. Previously, you were trying to drive a car, never realizing you had no control. Any wrong turn used to bother you. But now, you have realized your Supreme position as the witness. And the God drives the car for you to watch the scenery.
Welcome, to this incredible play called life. Where you are never the player! But you can enjoy as a spectator.