A Journey to Connect with Subconscious Mind
And go beyond life and death
Disclaimer: This blog is like a guided visualization journey and so it might alter your consciousness. Only read this when you are in a safe space and can completely relax.
This blog will never be able to teach you anything more than whatever you know, except for the instance you agree that you don’t know anything. So please, read it with a curious child-like mind. I am pretty sure your mind will be blown at the end.
Can you give this time right now?
— Byeee! Do come back later. Have a nice day :)
— Hieee! Welcome! To this blog aka “A Journey”. Seat belts, please.
(Most Important) Step 1: Take a deep breath.
Step 2: Read this blog S L O W L Y Y Y Y Y Y.
Wait, you didn’t take a deep breath? LOL *facepalm*
Please just take it!
Step 3: Take another deep breath, slow down a bit, and pay attention to the present moment.
. Be
. Here
. Now
Speak it! Feel it! YES, BE HERE NOW!! Feel your body and your environment.
Take another deep breath.
Inhaleee through the nose (slowly, 1-2-3-4) — And (hold 1-2-3-4-5-6-7) — Exhaleeeee through the mouth (as if you are fogging a mirror 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8)… Aaaahhhh!
Do this multiple times till you feel relaxed.
Now shift your attention to these words. Which? Ahh, the one you are currently reading right now and moving forward. Read, be here now. You just read be here now! Yes, as simple as that.
Wonder how the text you are currently reading is also speaking to you in your head. You might already feel these words inside your mind. Think how your mind is processing these words. It might feel like you are directly speaking in your head.
Yes! You are listening to yourself.
Yes! You are listening.
Yes! You are.
Yesss! You!!!!!!
Wait a sec, YOU?
. Pause, smile, and count 1-2-3-4-5
Shhhhh! Whisperssssss
You might have noticed something different. Did “shhhhh” whisper in your ears? If not, try it again, this time set an intention for it.
Shhhhh! Haha. Magical whisperssssss
Notice it is completely your mind who whispered in your ear. You are able to make reality out of thin air just by setting your intention. Wonder, how powerful is your mind!
Well! let’s explore more.
Take another deep breath, and this time try to feel you are breathing a part of this magnificent universe in your breath.
Relaxing, right! Take a moment to acknowledge this relaxation. And yes, of course, maintain your connection with the voice inside your head who is reading these words out loud to you.
Let’s go deeper.
Now, read the conversation below. Be curious and imagine as if the conversation is going on between the different parts of your mind:
— So… so much right.
— Wait, what so much?
— Well, everything.
— Everything???
— Yes! EVERYTHING. Where to start? Perhaps these words you are reading right now and the space between us.
— Our connection?
— Yes, one part of it!
— And what?
— Anything. Precisely, why there is something rather than nothing
— Like?
— Well, so many things
Life, universe, black holes, galaxies, earth, water, land, countries, cities, this city, this environment, you, your cells, atoms…. Ahh so much
Isn’t it wonderful how this tiny photon is involved in your sense of sight? It is like “Wow, you can see!! You can look at THIS SCREEN right now.”
Feeling thankful for your sight?! Then express it.
— Well, there’s more to the world apart from sight.
— Yesss! Can you also hear something in your ears? Is it silence? Haha. You can even hear NOTHINGNESS.
Let’s take you deeper into nothingness.
Now take another deep breath, and try to make a note of the aroma in the environment. Is it soothing?
Try to engage your other senses.
Take a moment to acknowledge your sense of taste.
Maybe touch your face. Thanks for touching your face. Feel the texture of your skin. Embrace it. Now slowly move your hand to your heart. Take a deep breath into your heart, and feel the energy in it.
So much, right? Told you, soooo muchhhh. Don’t know where to start.
. Pause and take a deep breath
The universe is so wonderful, you didn’t see the start, you can never know the end, but you can be completely present in this present, which is precisely this moment in this space-time continuum.
— Wait, where?
— Haha! Here. Be Here Now. Don’t try to catch it, because you will end up missing it.
— Then what?
— Just feel it in your heart, and exist with it!
Do you feel your presence in this space-time continuum?
Now, look closer, inside everything which you consider as yourself.
Physical self…
Anything which comes up in your mind…
Make a note of 3 such things which defines you
. Pause and think
Now ask yourself a question, where do you stand between all these things?
Who is the actual you?
. Pause for yourself
Didn’t find the answer? It’s okay, don’t force yourself to answers this question right now. It will come to you, automatically.
For now, change your perspective. Try to see yourself from someone else’s shoes. Perhaps think who are you for the person you love the most. Feel that love. Establish that deep connection.
. Pause to feel that connection and love
Well, does love only exist between something alive? What about material things? Can you try to imagine the world from a materialistic view?
Think, who are you for the screen you are looking at right now? Imagine looking at yourself as if you are sitting on the screen of your device.
. Pause, and take an imaginary selfie!
Also, you gotta smile for the selfie :)
Now again change your perspective. Try to be your environment? How about the air molecules? Did you ever wonder what it is like to be those molecules invisible to your eyes? Who are you for the air flowing in the environment? Try to be those air molecules!
. Pause, close your eyes and feel the molecules flying
Well, those air molecules are definitely touching cells of your body, right? And those cells are also made up of molecules, so now the question is: “where is the division between your body and environment in this atomic scale?”
Take a deep breath, imagine yourself as an air molecule which is getting sucked into your body with that deep breath. Did that air molecule become a part of your body? Or not? Or was it always a part of you? Again, think how can you draw boundaries in this atomic scale?
Wow, did you realize that from this tiny perspective, the boundary between the human body and its environment is a continuum of atoms and molecules (or just weird like quantum particles and their probabilities)
. Pause, and contemplate on this continuity
Ok. What about the boundary between objects from a wider perspective? A perspective which considers all the objects, a perspective which is whole in itself. Yes, the universe itself!
Try to feel it. Think, what is it that defines the boundary between objects from the perspective of this universe? Difficult, right? Everything is just one or the other form of energy, and there seems to be no boundary to anything. May it be the objects, or may it be the boundary in an absolute sense, from the perspective of this universe, everything is in perfect harmony with the present moment.
Ask yourself, how does it feel like to be the universe?
. Pause, just be here now, with the universe, as the universe
Notice how you zoomed in and out between atoms and this universe, still, you are unable to find any boundaries for yourself.
Where are you? Where is this thinking self?
Can you think, what is it that is thinking right now?
. Pause, and feel the emptiness in your mind
— Haha. Not able to think? Don’t worry. Let’s take another journey, want to be the neurons in your brain?
— Okay?
— Okkaayyyeee! Try to be the neurons who are making this experience for you.
Sit with your neurons.
. Pause, and feel the firing between neurons
Yes, you might be feeling it. Feels wonderful, right?!
Can you think all of your memories are somehow encoded in those firings? Yes? No?
Wait a sec, are you also somewhere between those neurons? Can you find yourself in it?
Yes? No?
Well, No one knows! So there is no right or wrong.
. Pause, and think how your complete reality is defined by those neurons
Did you see where you are going? Where can you go? From this perspective, all there is, is your neurons, eventually leading to your experiences. Think, is there any world outside those neurons? Is there anyone else apart from you? Again, for you, what exists is only the experience due to firing between those neurons, and not what might be outside in reality.
. Pause, and try to accept this reality.
— Reality? Really, reality? REALITY!? What even is it?
— Well, again, no one knows.
. Pause, and think what do you actually know
Easy to think?
Well, it is ONLY the current moment which can be somehow felt, and you know that feeling. That’s it! This is the reality.
. Pause, and feel this reality
So yes, you looked at a lot of places, but you couldn’t find yourself, and you might be thinking who are you.
Don’t worry, this is not the end, the journey will take you deeper.
Now, forget yourself. Drop that “you”. Take a perspective where there is no you.
Start by looking at the connections in this universe
Connection between universe and space-time
Connection between the movement of galaxies, stars and planets
Connection between water, air, earth, fire
Connection between earth and the trees — one that is deep-rooted!
Connection between different parts of a tree — leaves, fruits, flowers
Connection between trees and other living beings — sustaining life
(Read Slowly and feel the connection)
Connection between the mind and body of a living being
Connection between different cells, especially neurons
Connection between atoms and molecules forming cells
Connection between neutron, proton, electrons, photons, quarks
Connection between two quantum entangled particles — Ahh God playing dice?
Connection between the uncertainty of position and velocity of a quantum particle
Connection between vibration and energy of these particles
Connection between energy and information (entropy) of this universe
Imagine the flow of information between the connections in this universe!
— Wow! Circling back to the universe, where we started.
— Yes! Now come back to your life, see everything as a form of connection leading to the flow of information.
Ask yourself, where will you be if the exchange of information between things seize, i.e. pause the flow or remove the connection, where will you be? Will there be awareness?
Well, even if there will be awareness (beyond this physical universe), you can never know it from your body, because your body is bound to this materialistic reality.
. Pause, and think deeper
You might be able to conclude, it is the flowing information which was always been going on all the time, at all the places.
This is spirituality at its core.
All the time, your mind labels existence as something, it tries to learn, and in the process, it blocks the flow of new information. In other words, the resistance of the mind increases. If you accept you don’t know anything, you welcome the teachings of this universe, which come in the form of awareness. It is then you start observing subtle changes in reality, you feel the depth of flow, you see how small you are compared to it, you surrender yourself to that knowledge, you acknowledge it, you respect it, you love it and it loves you back.
When you look at the universe in the form of information, everything dissolves into one blissful flow! You transcend the cycle of life and death. In this totality, there is no such thing as positive or negative, everything is just “is”.
— Is?
— Yes, “is”. In fact, it is better to say that there is no word for that information because the complexity of that information is beyond words, after all, the information is the key to BECOMING ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE/INFORMATION/FLOW.
So yeah, spiraling back to the start, “so much!”. But like moving on the spirals, although you returned back, you are one step closer to the truth. You can keep taking the same journey mentioned in this blog again and again. Each time, although you will think about similar things, you will keep going deeper in this spiral.
Keep exploring further. Wish you have an exciting path ahead.
Thanks for being present in this space. You can unbuckle your seat belts now. (Yes, NOW!)
Please hit the clap button if you gained something from this blog. Also, please consider following me for more such content.
Deep breath in! Let it go! Let it flow!
Sending you lots of love! — V!SMAY